Friday, May 14, 2010

Visitors to Canada 1996 to 2006

This line graph illustrates the number of visitors over 10 years from two countries Japan and Spain to Canada.
Starting in 1996, there was difference in the number of visitors from Spain to Canada. There were almost 300,000 Spanish visitors, while Japan got almost 850,000 visitors. Then, the number of visitors from Spain sharply increased between 1996 and 1999, but the number of visitors from Japan remains steady from 1996 to 2001. The number of visitors from Japan decreased sharply between 2001 and 2003 from 800,000 to 500,000. On the other hand, the number of visitors from Spain was 500,000 in 2000 and dramatically increased until it reached 600,000 in 2004. This was the highest number of visitors from Spain in these 10 years. The number of visitors from Japan in 2003 was 500,000 and slightly increased until it reached 690,000 in 2006.
In conclusion, the number of visitors from Japan outnumbered the Spanish visitors over the 10 year period.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Etisalat & websites blocking

The internet is everywhere in the World and there are a lot useful things for every one educated people especially they can gain a lot of information. On the other hand, there are some web sites which are not good like hacker and things against country rules and religions. In this essay I will discuss the pros and cons of Etisalat blocking access to websites deemed counter to the country’s morality standards.
First of all, internet is very useful technology and there are a millions of websites we can access. Although, there are useful websites, there are bad websites. For example, websites for news and a lot of products around the World with their prices. Moreover, many websites for educating student which will help them in many subject like doing some experiment and you can see it recorded by video also some websites show discussion between engineers sharing knowledge all around the world.
Secondly, as I said there are a lot of bad websites and political websites which is blocked from Etisalat. One reason, that some websites show naked pics which is against the respect of others privacy. Another reason, some websites talking and discuss political things which will encourage some people to fight with their government because of what they saw in these websites. Last reason, hacker websites with hacking programs for anyone to use them which can access any computer that not protected with the latest anti various program.
In conclusion, I think it’s good to control and block some websites and there are arguments for both sides, but I believe the case for blocking sites is stronger.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Examinations for assessment

Nowadays, all colleges are using tests to assess students, but some of the colleges are using new styles of assessment by teacher assessment. We have both ways in some subject. Some students agree that examinations are an unfair way of assessment and should not be used at the HCT. In this essay, I will discuss whether or not exams should be used for assessment.
The assessment strategies used in courses at the HCT in the UAE are tests which will be over a specific period of time. For example, Math’s test will be at a period of one and half hour sometimes it will be easy and student finish the test before the time finish. Therefore, everyone will be happy, but it will not be like this all the time. Sometimes it will be difficult and there is not enough time. Second, students might not be in a good mood or he had a hard week or he was sick so he will get a low score on the test. The fact is that a test only measures performance on one day of the year and at one moment in time. Results indicate that assessment in class will be more accurate and teachers can assess the student by many ways how the students participate in class and his attendance also his performance. For example some students were careless at class and they have poor attendance but in the exam they got higher marks than the others. In addition, teachers tend to be satisfied with these assessment strategies, but suggest that alternative modes of assessment should also be considered. Students do not find such tests adequate for assessing their real performance in most courses. The exams used to improve student’s skill, because they will spend more time to study. Moreover, the exams let teachers to know what the student understand and do not understand of the course.
In conclusion, I think if we make 70% of the final result will be by class assessment by the teachers in class and 30% for tests it will be fair.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The number of U. S. farms and all farm workers

The chart illustrates the number of U. S. farms and all farm workers between1910 – 2000. We can see the trends are steadily declining.
Starting with farms in 1910 the number was 6.3 million and the farm workers were 13.5 million. Then, the number of farms slightly increased between the periods from 1910 to 1934, but farm workers slight decreased until it reached 12.5 million then increased from 1930 to 1935. After 1935 both number of farms and farm workers dramatically decreased until year 1975. Finally, from 1985 to 2000 they were same in trend, but different numbers farms number was 3 million and farm workers 2 million. Farms declined from around 2.2 million to 2.1 and farm workers declined around 3 million from 3.1 million.
In conclusion, in general both farms and farm worker numbers decreased from 1910 to 2000 and level off after 1980.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Changes in Milk Consumption in USA (1950 – 2000)

The graph compares annual consumption of low fat and whole milk in liters per person in the second half of the 20th century in USA. Overall, Americans drink much less milk now than at the start of the period.
The biggest change was the dramatic drop in total milk consumption. It fell from about 130 liters per person in 1950 to only around 90 liters five decades later. The second major was in the type of milk drunk. At the beginning, whole milk was more popular at 120 liters, but it fell sharply to about a quarter that by 2000. In contrast, the amount of low fat milk consumed shot up. It rose from roughly 10 liters in 1950 to five times that in 1980, when consumption was almost tied with whole milk.
In conclusion, the American diet with regard to dairy changes significantly over the time represented. Total consumption decreases but low-fat finally outranks whole milk.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

1) Argument essay

Have you ever considered the fact that every year millions of animals undergo painful death as a result of scientific research? While most people think animal testing is necessary, others are upset by what they see as needless suffering. This essay outlines some of the arguments for and against animal testing.
First, let’s look at the advantages. One very positive point is that many medical treatments and procedures have been developed from such experiments. Since animals share many features with humans, scientists use animals to test the safety and effectiveness of newly developed drugs. Moreover, there is a large supply of animals. Some, such as mice and rats, have many babies, and there is no danger of extinction for these species. Finally some advocates think that animals are less valuable than people. If there is a mistake, it will not cost a human life.
However there are also a number of arguments against animal testing. Perhaps the most important is that animals may be suffering unnecessarily. Critics do not believe that every new drug needs to be tested on animals. Furthermore, some feel animal testing is ineffective; they point out that many drugs still have to be withdrawn from the market despite extensive testing. Last, some campaigners would like to see alternative used. They feel more humane testing is possible and, too, that we could rely more on organ donors.
In conclusion, we need to ensure that animals used for experimental purposes do not suffer much pain. Although some animal testing may be unavoidable at present, treating our fellow creatures mercifully will demonstrate our humanity.

Monday, March 1, 2010


The table provides information in Wales about the number of people use various forms of transport between 1990 & 2005.

Firstly, the people who uses walking and bicycle for transport are almost the same in1990 walking 255 thousand and bicycle 51 thousand and in 2005 walking 258 and bicycle 52. On the other hand the people who use cars for travel in 1990 are 3,199 but, in 2005 are slightly more 4,806. Secondly, we can see that in 1990 the number was 429 thousand people use the local bus for travels while in 2005 the number decrease to half around 274 thousand. Thirdly the people who use coach for travel increase double also the people who travel by train increase from 289 in 1990 to 366 in 2005. Finally, the people who travel by taxi increase more than three times 13 thousand in 1990 and 42 thousand in 2005.
In conclusion, we can see that the people who use the car for travel are much more than the other various forms of transport.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Drugs every where

There are many things which affect countries around the world .One of these is the use of illegal drugs. Although illegal drug use is a serious problem, there are many ways to solve this situation. In this essay I will discuss the problems of drug use on society, and then suggest some solutions to these problems.
First of all, one of the main problems is how drugs will effect people’s health like sickness for both physical and mental also he will be unable to do his work in proper way. Another problem is crime associated with buying and selling drugs and this kind of problem which creates many problems like the need for money and the buyer will try to find the money by any way legally by taking loans from the bank or illegal like stealing others money. Moreover, social problems like family separated father will be in jail also their mother if she uses drug and the children will be lost. Drug abuse is a vicious circle which affects many people in this world.
Nevertheless, there are many solutions to this problem. The first solution in this battle is to educate the people also the government should let the people know more through the media about some examples to the people who were using drug and how their live end with. Moreover, make special clinic to treat the people from drug effect with secret information.
In conclusion, the fight against drugs will not end but we have to do our best on this issue. As we know the happy and save countries start from happy and save family.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Three part of the UK

This table provided seven categories of information for three parts of UK: Scotland, England, and Wales. Overall, these countries have few similar characteristics.
Starting with population, Scotland has 5.2 million, twice Wales which has 2.6 million only and England has 47 million almost 10 times the size of Scotland. Although the people in the three countries they speak English, Scotland and Wales speak their own language. In Scotland they speak Gaelic; also in Wales they speak Welsh. England is the leader in terms of land area: it encompasses over 130,441 sq. miles, almost double that of Scotland and almost 6 times larger than Wales. Turning to exports, we can see that Scotland exports oil, heavy engineering products and fish, for England it exports industrial products, pharmaceuticals and banking services. Concerning terrain, Scotland and Wales are mountainous but, England is mainly flat. In a like manner, they have the same climate; all the three countries are cool and wet.
To sum up, none of the countries has much in common except language and climate are same.

Three part of the UK

This table provided seven categories of information for three part of UK: Scotland, England, and Wales. Overall, these cities have few similar characteristics.
Starting with population, Scotland has 5.2 million twice Wales which has 2.6 million only and England has 47 million. Although the people in the three cities they speak English, Scotland and Wales speak their own language in Scotland they speak Gaelic also in Wales they speak Welsh. England is the leader in terms of land area: it encompasses over 130,441 sq. miles, almost double that of Scotland and almost 6 times larger than Wales. Turning to exports, we can see that Scotland exports oil, heavy engineering products and fish for England it exports industrial products, pharmaceuticals and banking services. Concerning terrain, Scotland and Wales are mountainous but, England mainly flat. In like manner, they have same climate all the three cities are cool and wet.
To sum up, none of the cities has much in common except language and climate are same.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

heart attacks per year in the USA

The bar chart illustrates heart attacks per year in the USA between men and women by age groups from 29-44, 45-64 and 65+.
First, the age group 29-44 of men had heart attacks at rate of 123 thousand per year, but age group29-44 of women far less and we can see the big difference it’s only 3 thousand per year. Secondly, the 45-64 age groups for men had 424 thousand exposed heart attacks per year. However, age 45-64 women are lower in the number of heart attacks at 136 thousand per year in the USA. Finally, the 65+ age group of men had heart attacks more than women. Specifically, men are around 440 thousand and the 65+ age group of women are 374 thousands.
To sum up, the age groups of men in general are exposed to heart attacks more than women in the USA, although in the older age group the rate for women was close by approximate 20% to that for men.

rewrite-spending on leisure products

The two graphs show spending on leisure products in the UK by age groups the 20-30 age group and 50-60 age group.
The 20-30 age group spends 16% on Book & Magazines but, 50-60 age group they spend more about 28% on this type of leisure products. Both of them spend nearly the same on electronic equipment 41% for 20-30 age group and 38% for 50-60 age group. However, on sports we can see the different 20-30 age group spend 20% but, 50-60 age group spend 5% only. On Gardening 50-60 age group spend more and on photography they are almost the same.
In conclusion, the percentage of sports and electronic equipment are more by 20-30 age group than 50-60 age group and on Books & Magazines. On Gardening products are more by 50-60 age group than 20-30 age group.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The bar chart illustrates heart attacks per year in USA between men and women by age groups from 29-44, 45-64 and 65+.
First, the age group 29-44 of men exposed to heart attacks 123 thousands per year but, age group29-44 of women more less and we can see the big different it’s only 3 thousand per year. Secondly, the 45-64 age groups of men 424 thousands exposed heart attacks per year. However, 45-64 of women are lower in number of heart attacks 136 thousands per year in the USA. Finally, the 65+ age group of men exposed to heart attacks more than women. Moreover, men are around 440 thousands and the 65+ age group of women exposed to heart attacks are 374 thousands.
To sum up, the age groups of men in general are exposed to heart attacks more than women in the USA.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The two graphs show spending on leisure products in the UK by age groups the 20-30 age group and 50-60 age group.
The 20-30 age group spend 16% on Book & Magazines but, 50-60 age group they spend more about 28% on this type of leisure products. Both of them spend nearly the same on electronic equipment 41% for 20-30 age group and 38% for 50-60 age group. However, on sports we can see the different 20-30 age group spend 20% but, 50-60 age group spend 5% only. On Gardening 50-60 age group spend more and on photography they are almost the same.
In conclusion, the percentage of sports and electronic equipment are more by 20-30 age group than 50-60 age group and on Books & Magazines. On Gardening products are more by 50-60 age group than 20-30 age group.
Problems & solution in Abu Dhabi

In this essay, I’m going to talk about problems facing Abu Dhabi city which is the capital of The United Arab Emirates and some suggest solution to these problems.
First of all, transportation or traffic and the main reason for this problem is population growth. The solution suggested for this kind of problem might be trains and more buses which will help the transportation and on the other hand it will reduce the traffic jams in the city. Secondly, the price of rent increasing to high levels which makes many people spread out from the city to the nearest places for cheaper prices. One solution to these problems is policy by the government to control the amount of increase to 5% per year. Another possible solution would be building more houses and buildings this would bring down the cost of renting.
In conclusion, the most important things to help at transportation problem are trains and bus service and the solution for high rent is building more houses.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Problems & solution in Abu Dhabi

Problems & solution in Abu Dhabi

In this essay, I’m going to talk about problems facing Abu Dhabi city which is the capital of The United Arab Emirates and some suggest solution to these problems.

First of all, transportation or traffic and the main reason for this problem is population growth the solution suggested for this kind of problems might be trains and more buses which will help on transportation and on the other hand it will reduce the traffic jam in the city. Secondly, the price of rents increasing to high level which makes many people spread out from the city to the nearest places for cheaper prices one solution to these problems are making policy by the government to control the amount of increasing to 5% by the year. Another possible solution would be built more houses and buildings this would bring down the cost of renting.

In conclusion, the most important things to help in transportation problem is trains and bus service and the solution for high rent is built more houses

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


The table provides information in Wales the number of people use various forms of transport between 1990 & 2005.
Firstly, the people who uses walking and bicycle for transport are almost the same in1990 walking 255 thousand and bicycle 51 thousand and in 2005 walking 258 and bicycle 52. On the other hand the people who use cars for travel in 1990 are 3,199 but, in 2005 are slightly more 4,806. Secondly, we can see that in 1990 the number was 429 thousand people use the local bus for travels while in 2005 the number decrease to half around 274 thousand. Thirdly the people who use coach for travel increase double also the people who travel by train increase from 289 in 1990 to 366 in 2005. Finally, the people who travel by taxi increase more than three times 13 thousand in 1990 and 42 thousand in 2005.
In conclusion, we can see that the people who use the car for travel are much more than the other various forms of transport.